I caught myself after a small rant in Workplace Law sounding exactly like Malcolm Reynolds.  I’m not sure if that means I’m awesome or insane.  I’m siding with awesome.


The fact of the matter friends, is that you cannot improve people by force of arms.  Through antidiscriminatory regulations perpetrated by the federal government we harm the species.  Let employers discriminate.  Let private schools segregate.  Diversity makes us strong.  Leaving your comfort zone makes you strong.  It advances the glory of man.  Let those that choose to live in their comfort zone spouting ideas unchallenged by their friends, amongst people who look and act the same ghettoize themselves and die.  Natural selection will destroy the weak or marginalize them in poverty and public derision. Why should we prop them up and give them the power to wield government?

What gives one group of people, whether a majority or not, the right to implement by force of arms, their own ideas on ways to improve man?  The mandatory hiring of minorities or desegregation of schools is step one on the way to ghettoization, mass murder, and government implemented genocide.  If you can use force to improve man through integration, why can we not force the majority’s next “improvement” by force?  What will you do when that “improvement” is teaching us all a strong work ethic by putting your kids in the military, or to work the coal mines?  The hilarity of the matter lies in the fact that by telling an employer that he must treat men as individuals, rather than property he can pick or choose from at will, we tell that same employer he is property of the state and subject to the whimsy of his owner.

It was government that implemented Jim Crow Laws.  It was government that interned Americans with Yellow skin.  Society made that demand and enforced it with guns.  Now because government is demanding a new definition of equality we will trust the same machine that gave us sickness to make us strong?

Now I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather allow men to operate freely and trust that the laws of nature will enrich the strong, intelligent and honorable, rather than to take the chance that a group of people with their own selfish wants and needs who have failed us repeatedly will better know how to order society to the advancement and survival of our glorious species.

Who says fiction doesn’t matter?