Tag: religion

Things to Be Thankful For

I’m not going to give the “thoughts and prayers” song and dance for Boston.  I think there’s a fair chance that prayer was involved that begin with “Allahu Akbar” and will end with picket signs that say, “God Hates Fags“.

Honestly, I just don’t like the “thoughts and prayers” statement because it seems disingenuous.  If your heart isn’t broken then you’re a bad human being; it shouldn’t need to be said.  And if you’re relying on prayer then I’ll spare all of our time by posting a Christopher Hitchens video:

There’s something to be very grateful for however.  These acts are almost exclusively carried out by LOSERS.  Why?  Well, probably because winners are too busy making millions of dollars and banging hot redheads.


Call me.  Seriously.  I will procure for you a mighty draft horse and the finest of honey wine.


Now, were a winner to engage in violence we should be worried.  But since the domain of cowardly violence (and bombing emaciated marathon running civilians is quite nearly the most cowardly form of violence imaginable) is almost exclusively reserved for losers, when they turn to violence, they’re just not very good at it.  For that we should be grateful.

Boston, you’re the birthplace of American liberty.  Your politics may suck, but you’re still home to some of the finest brawlers this country can offer.  Just keep punching Boston.  It’s only fitting that such a pathetic loser would strike out at the Boston Marathon, an epic display of human endurance.

Why I’m Hostile to Conservatives

The last few days I’ve had something troubling me:  why is it that although I don’t identify myself as a conservative, I feel defensive of them when they’re attacked by liberals?  I’ve only come up with 2 possibilities:  1) as a veteran, conservatives regularly kiss my ass; and 2) the words (though clearly not the actions) of conservatism are more relatable to me.  You never hear a liberal talk about small government.

But these answers are not sufficiently satisfying to me.  What’s more, I find my anger at conservatives far greater than that at liberals.  It’s been said that we generally ignore the flaws in the members of our group while point out the flaws much more readily in others.  That is absolutely true for most people.  I operate under a different set of rules though.  I’m MUCH harder on people in the groups I identify with.  I absolutely cannot accept moral failures on members of the warrior class, especially so with Marines, while I expect, and often accept such failures in others.  The end result is that I more readily identify with conservatives, and I absolutely fucking abhor them.  This still leaves me with the problem as to why I identify at all as a conservative, but leaving that issue aside, allow me to go to my anger with conservatism.

America will find itself in another civil war before the close of the century.  And I place the blame for that squarely on conservatives.  When you look at liberalism, well, it’s just flat out evil.  It is openly and doctrinally antithetical to human liberty and progress.  The answer, the gatekeepers, were, and still could and should be the conservatives.  Yet they operate under this slavish obedience to biblical superstition.  The end result of this will be the end of the Republican party.  Men like Rep. Akin, and much of the Republican Party do engage in a legitimate war on women, gays, and minorities.  This just places you into idealogical obscurity.

Consider if you will the obvious spokesperson of the hour, Mitt Romney.  Romney, who gave Massachusetts an assault weapon ban and RomneyCare speaks out boldly and proudly about how ObamaCare is unconstitutional.  He’ll argue that the individual mandate is wrong and against the concept of American liberty.  Yet in a recent ad he mentions that his and Paul Ryan’s plan will “save Medicare”.  Well, what the shit do you think Medicare is?  It’s an INDIVIDUAL MANDATE.  Try not paying your medicare and get back to me on how well that works out for you.

A good number of my friends have been upset at my assertion that they are all voting Romney because of shared religion.  These men, who were shouting right along with me that blacks voted for Obama because of race (they did) deny and become wildly offended at any suggestion they would do the same.  Say what you will, at least blacks were honest about what they did.  I know of but 1 Mormon friend of mine who held the line against Romney.  The rest of them got in lockstep behind a SOCIALIST due to their shared religion.  They just lacked the guts to admit it.  At the minimum, accepting that Mormons are much more inclined to vote Republican in the first place, they are complicit in not coming out vocally against his more liberal positions.  Again, these are the same people who kept asking where the “good Muslims” were when <insert attack or inflammatory act>.  These Mormons spoke out against Islam because, by their logic, after each attack there should be a massive outcry in the Muslim community denouncing them.  Yet, where are the Mormons denouncing Romney for being a liberal and Socialist?  It isn’t even as if most of them are holding their nose and saying they’ll vote for him because he’s the Republican.  No, these people are out posting pro-Romney ads all over Facebook, ect.

Besides the fact that they’re just plain wrong about the social conservative matters, I also just don’t understand how they can’t see the writing on the wall.  Where exactly in the entire history of our nation has equality stagnated or regressed?  The history of the nation has gone but one direction, and that is to be more inclusive.  So to all of you fundamentalists, regardless of your religion, you hold onto your silly bigoted systems, and when our nation is at war with itself, it will be your fault, because you were too stubborn, ignorant, and pigheaded to stop a legitimate systematic evil in liberal expanse in government.

Speaking of Mormons, enjoy some kickass Lindsey Sterling:

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