So the vice-president stopped in to give his regards to a few dozen Medal of Honor recipients.

Deciding to open his mouth as if in a room full of these warriors he rates to so much as bus a table, Mr. Biden gave us the usual song-and-dance.  Whether Republican or Democrat, the words are always the same:  Thank you for what you’ve done, now we owe you some stuff and to take care of you.

Here’s the money quote from the story:  [T]he government has an obligation to assist the “elderly and the young” but it only has one “truly sacred obligation” — “to equip those who we send to war and care for them and their families when they come home from war.”

No!  Look, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that men who join the military are of the same cloth, with the same motivations — we’re not.  But there are some deep currents we all share to some degree.  You absolutely should care for your wounded.  You owe what you promise.  But when these men join they do so generally for one of 3 reasons:  to upgrade their lives to that of the middle class, to seek adventure, and to serve their country.

The point of this is that no, Mr. Every-single-politician ever, your “one truly sacred obligation” is to help these men carry out their mission.  To take men who have promised their lives if need be in service of their country and erode the liberties they’ve fought to deliver for others on foreign lands is about as vile a thing to do as is possible.  Stop trying to buy us off to get us to look the other way.  Many of us took out oaths seriously.

And on a final note, returning to the concept of using people.  Overwhelmingly, veterans DO NOT LIKE YOU OR THE PRESIDENT.  Stop using these people to make yourself look good.  I don’t foist myself upon people who hate me even when I can.


Sorry for the delay in posting kids — will some Pop Evil make you forgive me?