POW-MIA flagI haven’t mentioned it on the blog, but lately 90% of my conversation of late has been regarding Jon Hammar.  In case you need a quick update, Mr. Hammar is a former Marine and Iraq vet.  He and a friend decided to go to Costa Rica in order to go surfing.  They grab a Winnebago and get moving.  Despite getting permission from border agents both in America and Mexico, upon claiming an antique Sears and Roebuck antique heirloom .410 gauge shotgun at the border, Mr. Hammar was arrested and has been in Matamoros prison since August.

The charge?  Moving military grade arms across the border.  You know, that thing that the ATF and the Eric Holder run Department of Justice did that got another Marine, Brian Terry  killed by Mexican drug runners.

The outrage is at Mexico for their corrupt behavior.  Congressmen are talking about requesting we stop giving them tourist dollars.  Mexico is simply angry and trying to assert sovereignty.  But should we be angry at Mexico?  Sure, they’re corrupt and the charge is bogus.  But do not blame Mexico for this Marine’s incarceration.  Blame America.  Blame your government.  Why?  Well, Here’s Matamoros:

There are tens of thousands of citizens, veterans, and you bet your ass innumerable Marines that would grab a rifle and cross that border TOMORROW to go retrieve their comrade.  The last time a handful of Marines landed at Vera Cruz things didn’t work out too well for Mexico.  Imagine that several times over that needn’t even cross 10 miles into the country.  Men would rise to the call in droves.  He would be home before the weekend is through and the world would be taught a valuable lesson.

But you know why Jon Hammar sits in prison?  Not because of Mexico, but rather because the minute a handful of outraged citizens decided to grab a rifle and begin to collect outside the border, they would be immediately arrested and imprisoned BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.  Remember that the next time you thank a cop.

But where is the president on this?  He’s yet to address it at a press conference, rather using the time to lambast “assault rifles”.  What use is there for an assault rifle?  Well, for starters, that’s exactly what we would take across the border into Mexico to RESCUE our fellow citizen; an act our own government refuses to do.

There is some movement on this however.  It is my guess that Mexico is asserting their sovereignty and will release him following his trial on January 17th.  They will bow to political pressure, but they sure don’t want to look like it, so they’ll try him, then let him go.  However, barring that, there’s a facebook group here in Idaho for those that wish to volunteer for a rescue mission.  At 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 2nd we will organize outside the capital in Boise and seek permission from the Governor to organize volunteers of the unorganized Idaho militia to make an incursion into Mexico to rescue Jon Hammar.  Following the certain failure of the governor, Butch Otter, to give his blessing to organizing the militia, the next step will be petitioning Congress for a letter of marque.

As a final note, I would expect Jon Hammar to be abandoned by Barrack Obama, but General Amos, where are YOU?  You’re the commandant, how about you act like it devildog.  Semper Fidelis indeed.

I’m sorry we aren’t moving fast enough Jon.  Jon Hammar, we won’t leave you behind.