Okay, the Learned Daughter is not to be referred to as Katniss.  I think if I’m fortunate enough to have another daughter I’d hate to give her the name I’m calling my current daughter.  She shall henceforth be known as Molly, for Molly Pitcher.


I doubt these kid quotes entertain you as much as me, but you can deal with it.  My kid is better than your kid.

After giving my usual incoherent explanation for one of the many “why?” questions as we went for a walk, the following conversation occurred:

The Learned Sergeant:  I’m sorry honey, that didn’t make very much sense.  I’m not a very good communicator.

Molly:  I know.

TLS:  /laughs/ Thanks.  I imagine you could communicate that idea better than me.

Molly:  Yeah, I use better words than you do.


Are you serious?!  How did my three year old understand what communicate meant?