Tag: Foolish Experiments

I’m a Genius…Well, a Pathetic Genius

So I threw out vegetables for the umpteenth time the other day.  I buy such great food and then not eat it.  So I got someone to cook for me.  The pay:  she eats for free.  I’m a genius.

By the way, check out the only measuring cup in the Learned Sergeant’s armory.  Be advised:  Next level nerd achieved.

Polyphail Sleep & Lying

Well, Day 2 turned out to be something of a failure.  I woke up at 0630 according to the plan, but found it to be my first night in a month where I’d slept without any distractions.  I confess my weakness.  I shall start again tomorrow.

I just read Lying by Sam Harris.  It’s a pretty straightforward treatise against lying, to include “white” lies.  It’s not horribly informative, but it is highly thought provoking.  I consider myself the most honest person I’ve ever known, but I will concede to my share of white lies.  Honestly, while it seemed interesting, what sold me was a positive review by Neil deGrasse Tyson.  I’m glad I took the review to heart.  The book is well worth the $3 just to see the fallout that comes from the fact that I’m going to give absolute honesty a go for a month.  Get yourself a copy at http://www.samharris.org/site/full_text/lying/

Polyphasic Sleep and Soyuz

Tomorrow I begin the weakest of the Everyman polyphasic sleep schedules.

As it stands I will be sleeping from 0200 to 0630 and taking 2-20 minute naps, one at 1400 and the other at 1900.  I have no particular reason for venturing into this other than a general curiosity mated with my newfound freedom to experiment.  Ideally this will boost my productivity, but I’d be lying if I said anything other than “why not?” is my ultimate justification.

With that in mind, what better day to begin?  Tomorrow at 0630, NASA will be airing the launch of Soyuz.  There may be no more bold and motivating thing going in the world right now than spaceflight.  Sadly, we’re putting our eggs in a Russian basket, but let us keep our fingers crossed for success tomorrow.


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