No, not you…
No, not you…
I spent 3 hours yesterday studying the law of Evidence in a strip club. I decided a break was due and after putting in about 5 hours of bar study went to go see Seether in concert with some good friends and my gorgeous motivator of a girlfriend. I didn’t even realize it, but I ended up witnessing the Crime of the Century: Bush opening for Nickelback. It was wrong for Seether and My Darkest Days to open for Nickelback, but seriously, I feel personally insulted to see Bush open for Nickelback.
I didn’t even realize Bush was going to be there. So when they showed up I was about as happy as a man can be. The girlfriend looks at me confused. She’s never heard of Bush. I don’t know if that means I’m doing something right or wrong. Poor thing. I cannot explain how awesome it was pretty much getting to hear Sixteen Stone live. Hell, I was 14 listening to them when they came out.
Getting back to the main thrust of this post, my ride back decided they were going to the strip club. I’ve been putting in ~12 hour days for more than a week. I do not have the time to go to the strip club. So I load the books, find a reasonably quiet place to study and re-re-re-review Heresay Exceptions. I think this unprecedented display of discipline should earn me an extra 100 points on the Bar Exam.
Bush. Gavin Rossdale covering “Come Together”. Glycerine, Everything Zen, Machinehead, Comedown. Seriously, how cool is that?
Bar Tally: 192 Hours. It’s 0401. I wrapped up about 20 minutes ago to get this post off before bed. Gotta get up in less than 4 to get my little motivator off to school. I’m driving hard. It feels great. I am so damn happy.
Video Dump, you win! Very NSFW with some of the lyrics kids.
I’ve done more than half of these things:
Bar Tally: 175 Hours
I’ve got a beautiful woman asleep in my bed and I’m out here at 2:21 in the morning finally deciding to call it a night on Bar study. Reville in 5 hours. Get some!
Bar Tally: 151
Bar Study has exposed a weakness in my head. My ex-wife used to say, “Don’t forget to X.” I had read somewhere a few years ago that the brain doesn’t respond well to negative statements and a trick to avoid forgetting things was to avoid negative terms. For example, in the above statement, some weak minded people like myself and my friend here will not process the negative statement well and read it as, “Wa, wa, wa, forget to X”. So we forget to X.
Well, I’m finding the same problem is happening with multiple choice questions on the Bar Exam. The questions I have the hardest time with will generally give you a very long fact pattern and then ask something along the lines of, “If the court agrees that Joe Schmoe does NOT have a life estate at the lap of luxury it will be because which of the following statements is FALSE? Then the answer will be something like, “The Hutch CAN’T make this devise in his will because it violates the Rule Against Perpetuities.”
My brain can’t handle the negatives. When I review a lot of the questions I miss, a great many of them I actually know the answer to. But even in simple instances when it asks me which answers are false, my brain stares at the answers struggling, because I only want to look for answers that are true. So I click on answers that are true knowing full well that they are true because my brain refuses to accept clicking on an answer that is a false statement. So when you throw double, triple, quadruple negatives, well, trouble ensues.
Bar Tally: 138 Hours
Bar Tally: 127 Hours
Sometimes I wonder why we fear Muslim extremists on the other side of the globe who can’t seem to get around to getting everyone literate or with running water.
Other times I go to Walmart and see people unable to take their shopping cart 20 feet to the collection bin and leave it to run loose and crash into other people’s vehicles.
It was on, it was off. On the single last day I had to make this happen the stars aligned. So I’m still graduating and sitting for the Bar. I am exceptionally grateful I got such a head start on Bar study because I’m now only a week behind schedule instead of 3. As expected I’ve a little extra work ahead of me and I’m sure a handful of disappointments, such as the fact that I probably won’t be running the Beast, but priorities are set and I’m back in the fight as of tomorrow.
When my daughter was about 1 I experienced the saddest moment of my life. She was walking around in the living room and proceeded to pee on the carpet. She looked at her mother and I, and having seen us do this countless times before, she went and grabbed a towel and tried to clean up the carpet.
This afternoon that moment met its match. I was picking her up from preschool and the moment she saw me she flew across the room to her mailbox and pulled out a small bag, “Daddy! Open it!”
So I untie the ribbon on it and retrieve a plaster thing with shells and rocks glued in it. “Happy Father’s Day daddy!”
“Oh wow! This is awesome sweetheart! Thank you so much. Can I put this on my desk?”
“Yeah! Give it to me to put away to keep safe for you.”
So I hand her the plaster object and she starts to put it in the bag, when CRASH! it falls onto the ground and explodes. I look up at her and she is just standing there quietly looking at me. Painfully slowly her eyes begin to well with tears. Her lip begins to quiver. She opens her mouth and slobber connects the top and bottom of her mouth.
She falls apart in perhaps the saddest moment I’ve ever experienced. “Daddy….*sniff* *sniff* daddy. Daddy. Daddy. That was for y……” <insert hugs/tears/promises to reglue the impossible>
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